My 2014 in IG Photos

2014 held some serious highs and lows.

I battled with depression and anxiety, seeking counseling and medication (and won).

I went from full-time college student to part-time to taking a semester off (and don’t regret it).

I got my first non-university related job (and hated it).

I got a nose ring (and it HURT).

I watched a lot of Project Runway and ate a lot of Subway (and it was kind of awesome and kind of sickening).

I took my first international trip and lived in England for 3 months (and it was both fantastic and awful).

I started participating in yoga challenges on Instagram (and I can reach my toes now).

I started building this blog back up (and it was terrifying).

And I pet a lot of cats (because DUH).

You know how I love Instagram, so let’s take a look back at my 2014 through my favorite app.














It’s amazing how much a year can hold, isn’t it?

I can’t wait to see what you have for me, 2015.

Follow me on IG @evecalian!
Follow me on Bloglovin!

Life lately in IG photos

Christmas decorations are appearing, Christmas scented candles are being lit, + warm drinks are being drunk by the light of the Christmas tree.

Most days are being spent wrapped up in a warm blanket with a book (currently: The Stand by Stephen King) or computer on my lap. Coffee + tea close by.

English weather has finally greeted us in full swing! This has meant many rainy outings as we do our last tourist stops before returning to America.

The rain has not stopped us from exploring forests + taking cheesy photos!

My mantra I am trying to live by.

Follow me on IG @evecalian!

Life Lately in IG Photos

tiger pose
flying warrior variations

In honor of one of my October goals, I have joined the #SizeDoesntMatter yoga challenge on Instagram! This month has been hosted by @biggalyoga + @yogimj – two awesome ladies showing that yoga isn’t just for thin, white women. 

photobooth friday

my favorite color… pink!

Joined by Katelin, I’ve been participating in #lovetober hosted by @galadarling

There have been fall walks + football games wrapped up in rain jackets and scarves.

I have dropped love notes here + there!

And I have been getting in the holiday spirit with pumpkin purchasing, warm drink drinking, scary movies before bed, + a trip to Harry Potter World Studio Tours on the horizon. 

If you aren’t yet, follow me on Instagram here

What has October looked like for you lately? 

P.S. I realize there are some wacky font changes going on – I’ve noticed blogger will do this on the occasional post. I hope it doesn’t bother you as much as it does me! 

My Weekend in IG Photos

One of my favorite weekends is sliding through the finish line tonight. The weather was gorgeous, and we spent most of it outside which was WONDERFUL. I thought I would share through Instagram pictures with you.

Saturday I treated Katelin and I to a local coffeehouse for, what else, COFFEE and BROWNIES out in the sunshine. I just love places with outside seating! Unfortunately, a bee chased us away.

The evening was spent down at the lake with a 15 minute canoe session. Katelin had never canoed! It might have been short, but we had the lake to ourselves, and it was so fun.

Sunday: Teased by the fifteen-minute session the night before we rushed back down to the lake at two and… had to wait about an hour before we got a canoe. Worth it! Not only did we canoe, but we kayaked (yes, Eve got into a kayak!!) which was even more fun. The water was freezing, but I was in a t-shirt and shorts, happy as ever! We definitely soaked up the sun and warmth since the weather predicts a week of rain and 40-degree days…

Also, my cat Saturday morning, livin it up–

Another week befalls us, and I am putting my tools to use to manage stress, because the next three weeks are serving up stress as the main dish. I am filled with thanks for the last two days, the last week, and the moments that made them up; I hope yours was just as beautiful.

Here’s to a new week!